FB716-1 Faja Lipo-Sculpture/ side-zipper 2nd Stage

Sale price $100.00 Regular price $105.00

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Our  Curve It Up!# FB716-1 faja is a faja designed to give firm compression in areas treated by cosmetic surgery. Ideal for mommy make over, Lipo-sculpture, that gives you soft and firm pressure on the arms, hold the bust in place and helps to avoid the retention of fluids, it comes with a side zipper and a wide, soft fabric that stretches well in the buttock area, for fat transfer.

  • FULL BODY FAJA FOR MOMMY MAKE OVER, (Can be wear sfter BBL too 2nd Stage)
  • Made in strong compression powernet or if prefer ask for our soft compression line (As #FB716-1PP)
  • ZIpper on the side
  • Back support 
  • Perineal zipper 
  • adjustable bra in 3 positions
  • NO compression on buttocks 
  • Soft compression sleeves
  • Long leg beneath the knees

Nuestra faja Curve It Up! #FB716-1 Es una faja disenada para dar compresion firme en las zonas tratadas por una cirugia estetica, ideal para mommy make over, lipo-escultura, dande suave y firme presion en los brazos, sostiene el busto en su lugar y ayuda a evitar la retencion de liquidos, viene con zipper de lado y tela suave y amplia que estira bien en la zona de los gluteos, para transferencia de grasa moderada.

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